On Thursday and Friday 26th and 27th August, Carryduff Free Presbyterian Church is holding a Good News Club at Killynure Green, from 2PM each day. All children are welcome to attend and join in the fun.
To register your child for a place, please fill out a supplied consent form that was posted out this evening or come along on Thursday to pick up a form.
We want to thank you for your help and enthusiasm in supporting us in our children’s work in the past and look forward to your continuing support as we recommence our children’s ministry. All our workers are registered and approved by Access NI and we will endeavour to comply with all safety guidelines in place.
From Wednesday 8th September, we are recommencing our children’s meetings at our church on the Killynure Road starting at 7pm. The church bus will be available from 6:30pm onwards to pick up the children, or if you prefer, you can drop off your child/children at the church.
It is also our intention to recommence Sunday School starting on 12th September at 10:30am – 11:15am. The church bus will be available from 10am onwards to collect the children from their home, however, if you would like to drop your child/children off at the church and pick them up again, please feel free to do so. Feel free to contact us if you want your child/children to attend or require transport.
If your child is displaying any symptoms of illness, then in order to protect the other children, we kindly ask, if necessary, that you seek medical advice. We can also be contacted via the details overleaf. Please remember to fill in the consent forms. Your cooperation in this regard is much appreciated.
Yours faithfully
David McLaughlin (Rev)
Mark 10:14 “…suffer the little children to come unto me,
and forbid them not: for of such is the Kingdom of God.”