On Saturday morning, 29th July at 10:45am, Sandown Free Presbyterian Church hosted another open air Gospel service at the corner of Waring Street against the sodomite parade in Belfast. There were about 40 in attendance.

Rev. Garth Wilson, minister of Sandown FPC, led the proceedings with the introduction of a traditional gospel hymn. Rev. Thomas Martin from Comber offered the opening prayer . After another hymn, Mr. Stephen Crawford in charge of John Knox’s congregation, gave a personal word of testimony, telling (those who listened) , how he was converted to Christ at the age of 8. The Rev David Stewart then read the Scriptures from Acts 3 :12 – 21. The Rev. David McLaughlin from Carryduff FPC preached the Word of God. His text was taken from Acts 3:19. With the Lord’s help he preached a powerful Gospel Message on the theme of repentance.

The service was concluded by singing the hymn, “Would you be free from your burden of sin ….” The Rev. Kenny closed in Prayer.
During this open air service, those who gathered probably got the most abuse from a section of the passers by, than ever before. This was a sign to all present that the devil was mad and the Lord was working. Pray for one Roman Catholic lady who was deeply agitated as she passed by upon hearing the gospel being preached.
Upon closing the service one young man was spoken to by the Rev. Wilson with literature being taken. The Rev. McLaughlin spoke to three people on his way home who had stopped him to ask what he thought of the pride parade? He then had an interesting conversation about the biblical concepts of love, sin, being a true Christian and the things God hates. One was a young man from Eritrea who agreed with him and said “pride was of the Devil”, while the others from Belfast were opposed to what he had to say. Another young man was spoken to near the city hall by some from the Donaghadee Church who were going to get the bus home. Pray for the souls of these dead, blind, diseased souls who are in danger of hell fire.
Here is an outline of Rev McLaughlin’s Sermon
- The Repetition of Repentance. The call to repent is a repeated message in the Bible. See Matthew 3:2. 4:17 – Luke 24:47, Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19, 3,26 , Acts 11: 18 , I Thessalonians 1:9 . This is what Belfast needs to hear and do??
- The Reason for Repentance. The people were wrong in thinking about Sin , the Saviour, the Scriptures and the fact they are precious souls. They needed to change their minds about sin, the Savior and the Scriptures . It is God alone who defines what sin is and reveals who the Lord Jesus is according to the Bible.
- The Remedy of Repentance. Understand what true Repentance means
Based on the Shorter Catechism definition see question 87 Repent means
A U turn on their thinking ( A change of Mind ) A U turn on their behaviour ( A change of conduct) There has to be an actual turning from sin in order to be saved. True conversion also involves Trusting in Christ as Lord and Saviour. Repentance includes true faith toward the Lord Jesus. Roman 10:13. - The Result of Repentance: Sins Blotted out. This is what the Lord does for all who trust him.