To the management of Burrendale Hotel (13th August 2024)
As a minister of the Gospel for over 25 years, I am extremely upset to learn that the Burrendale Hotel is proceeding with a ticketed event this Friday entitled the, “Paul Magorrian Story”. As you are aware by now, Paul Magorrian was a former South Down IRA terrorist who was shot dead on active service in August 1974. That is not my biassed assessment, it is stated by An Phoblacht.

In hosting this event the hotel management team is celebrating the exploits of terrorists and displaying an arrogance and contempt for all the troubles victims of Northern Ireland. During the troubles there were 80 murders by the IRA in South Down alone. Each murder a most heinous crime in the eye of Almighty God. The Bible teaches us that, “hands that shed innocent blood” are an abomination in his sight. See Proverbs 6:16-18. Each murderer will have to answer to God on Judgement day. To host such an event is a terrible glorification of such murders and does a great disservice to Protestants, Roman Catholics, and the non religious community throughout Northern Ireland.
Twenty years on from the Belfast agreement we should be aghast at bringing up the names of dead terrorists, never mind celebrating them. Proceeding with this event will bring further trauma and hurt to innocent families who have been traumatised by murder during the killing times. Instead of standing by the innocent and abhorring violence in all its forms, you are embracing and advocating murder and mayhem among communities,. If some hotel in Northern Ireland were to host an event celebrating the life of the late Billy Wright, the Nationalist Community would rightly be outraged. It would be on the local news outlets,front page of the Belfast Telegraph, taking centre stage on talk shows, TV, and radio.
Your hotel has indeed the right to facilitate a range of organisations including political parties. However, this event is completely different. You are facilitating an event that is glorifying terrorism and dedicated to a former terrorist.
Burrendale is supposed to be a hotel that is cross community and open to all. This event shatters that myth and now many from within our peace loving community will think twice about availing themselves of your facilities. This will include members of my own congregation who have stayed and eaten in your establishment. Those who have contacted me have vowed not to return.
In light of the above we would implore you to reconsider hosting this event for the sake of true justice, righteousness and community relations.
Yours Sincerely
Rev. David McLaughlin
Government & Morals Committee Secretary