Table of Contents
Dear Brethren and Sisters,
Despite all the uncertainty and bewildering times in which we live, we can be certain that Jesus Christ is the sole head and King over all things, including this pandemic, (Ephesians. 1:22). It has not caught him unawares, nor will it exhaust his supplies of grace, nor diminish his care for his covenant people. He is the Lord of creation, providence and redemption and is working out his eternal purpose and determinate counsel. Therefore, even in these strange times, let us expect God to work in unlikely ways.
It is my fervent prayer to our Most High God, that we will come out of this testing time stronger as individuals, stronger as churches, and stronger as a denomination, recounting how the LORD has become more precious to us, and how we have seen God at work in us, in our families, in our communities and throughout our country.
Our Lord says in Isaiah 26:20: “Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment until the indignation be overpast”.
Let me urge each of you to respond to God’s invitation in five wonderful ways.
1. Shelter under the blood through faith in Christ
We live in a world which has had its foundations rocked, where people are deeply afraid. Fear is natural, but we can bring something supernatural to our fear, the gift of faith. Faith in Christ and his blood sacrifice. Look up Exodus 12:12-13, and 1 Peter 1: 18-20 . Every one of us can know with assurance, the peace of sheltering under the protection of the sprinkled blood of Christ. Just like the children of Israel did when the Lord sent the tenth plague to further devastate the land of Egypt. Under the power of the blood of the lamb (applied by faith to the door posts) every Israelite firstborn child was safe from the hand of the death angel. The old Scottish preacher Alexander MacLaren said, “Fear, then, is the opportunity for faith, and faith is fear transformed by… calling to mind the strength of God and be-taking ourselves thereto.”
Let us turn our eyes from the things which cause us to fear, and turn them to behold the Lamb of God upon the Cross, where his love and commitment to our good are written in his blood, Colossians 1:20. Christ by his sinless life and sacrificial death satisfied the holy and just law of God in full.
Our world needs to see that we have a hope that nothing, not even the uncertainties of Covid-19, nor the inside of an Intensive Care Unit, nor death, can take away. For every true believer ought to live their christian life in the comfort of Gospel truths. David said, what time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.
2. Supplicate the Throne of Grace in Prayer
How often have you and I said within ourselves that we would love to pray more, but time is eaten up by other things. Now we have a golden opportunity to grow in our prayer lives. Colossians 4:2 exhorts us to ‘continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving’.
Let our prayers be marked by:
- a growing knowledge of our Triune God as he is revealed in the Holy Scriptures
- a gracious move of the Holy Spirit to search our hearts and confess our sins to the Lord
- a pleading with God for our nation that he would come in mercy and grant repentance and faith in Christ
- that the Lord would send his light and truth to his church of Christ in these days
- that the Lord would send a true revival of bible believing religion again to our land
- that though the preaching of the Gospel, Christ would build up and strengthen his church
- an urgent supplication for those sick and ill, and all those involved in treating them
- for all who have been bereaved in recent days
- those keeping hospitals and medical practices running, those tracing contacts
- those involved in keeping essential services running (farmers, shop-keepers, hauliers)
- the vulnerable and afraid, the elderly in nursing homes or isolated in their own homes
- for our Queen and those in government that they would know true humility and seek wisdom from the Lord in this crisis
- for those in our families who are not saved that the might repent and believe the Gospel
- that genuine backsliders would be restored to the Lord and every false professor found out
- Spread the truth to all in need
3. Redeem the time, because the days are evil…” Ephesians 5:16
This is a time when many of us have time. Let us use this time wisely and aim to come out of this stronger in our walk with God than when we started it. There are many resources being made available, especially on social media. Let us use them, and take time to read, watch, listen, and meditate on God’s word.
I wish to make a special plea to our young people within our congregation, these days are a gift to you. Use these days to deepen your walk with God, to prepare yourself further for living in this world, to be ready to witness to your friends who will have many questions and fears. And for those of you who haven’t yet put your trust in Christ as Lord and Redeemer, now is the time to consider seriously where you will spend eternity.
4. Showing your love and care to one another
“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ” Galatians 6:2
This is an opportunity to think about our friends within our congregations. Let’s make sure that we don’t leave anyone behind. Remember that not everyone is digitally connected, and sadly these dear people are often the most isolated in this situation. Let us make contact with each other by email, phone, skype, or by letter. It is also an opportunity to care for our community. Surely there are ways we can be involved helping others, picking up shopping, phoning those who are alone? Christians have the highest example and greatest command to love our neighbour and we should be known as the most caring in society.
5. Sharing our Testimony about Christ
The good news of Jesus Christ our Lord is always needed. It is more relevant than ever and people around us are more aware than usual, that they are not as invincible as they once thought. Let us make the most of every opportunity to speak the truth, with compassionate grace, seasoned with gospel salt. Let us be courageous, creative and offer ourselves as living witnesses of Jesus Christ, Romans 12:1-2.
Let us also trust him for the spread of the gospel. Since Christ is Head over all things for the good of the church. It is my great desire and longing that when we gather together in Carryduff after this, that there will be new people coming to join us; people who have come to faith in Christ through our witness in all its forms. Let us expect, pray, and work that the gospel will spread through us, to this end.
Finally, may each one know God’s care, provision and protection for yourself and your families in the days ahead. May each of us enjoy the reality of what David knew and experienced in the midst of every problem, plague and pestilence. Look up Psalm 91:1-4
Yours in Christ
