Monday 15th June marks the 2nd anniversary of the opening of our new church building, and what a blessing it has been to come and worship the LORD in His own appointed fashion. We have been blessed with visitors every week since the opening, and have had the joy of welcoming new congregational and communicant members to our church family. We believe that everyone that comes to our church needs to be loved, needed and welcomed, this is something we attempt to do. The restrictions of movement, due to CV19, kickstarted our live video broadcasts which brother Mark Stronge has been planning and discussing for some time. Thanks to the help of Jonathan Hanna (Madrid) we were able to immediately start our online ministry and we have been learning and continue to fine tune our live broadcast experience as each week passes.
This Monday evening 15th June at 7PM, we plan to have an online praise service with many special guests taking part. Rev. Fred Greenfield will be our preacher, with singers and musicians including the Revelation Trio, Victoria Salt, and Graham Murphy, along with our youth and a testimony by our clerk of session, George Anderson.

Please plan to watch online and share with your friends as we give thanks to the LORD for His many blessings and pray that in the future, we will be enabled to further our building work in His will.